1. The MPOA contractor has completed the concrete repairs to the vertical wingwalls of the Wonder Lake dam spillway. These repairs to fix deteriorating (spalling) concrete surfaces were required based on an inspection by the MPOA structural engineer. This repair work required the installation of temporary work platforms below the spillway to allow access for repairs, which have since been removed.
2. Based on the structural engineer’s report, additional repairs to the concrete cap on the eastern wingwall are still needed and will be pursued in 2023.
3. The annual inspection of the Wonder Lake Dam and Sediment Drying Facility required by the State of Illinois has been scheduled for Friday, October 14th, 2022.
4. In mid-August, the MPOA received a few reports of suspected blue-green algae blooms, which were not surprising given the warm temperatures and lack of rainfall, the prime conditions under which blue-green algae outbreaks can occur. While its presence was <strong>NOT</strong> confirmed, it should be noted that even if testing can be quickly done by the IEPA, the results can take a number of days to be received. More importantly, if it is determined that blue-green algae is present, there is no treatment available other than waiting for cooler temperatures and increased rainfall, and the algae to dissipate. As a result, if the presence of blue-green algae is even suspected, the safest approach is for you, and your pets to avoid any water contact in those portions of the lake where it is observed. Additional information is presented below:
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<strong>Recreational Exposures</strong>
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Recreational exposures can occur while swimming, wading, fishing, or boating in areas with blue-green algae blooms. Exposures can occur by swallowing water, contact with the skin, eating fish caught from affected areas, and when airborne droplets are inhaled.
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<strong>How do I know if I am being exposed to blue-green algae?</strong>
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People should suspect that harmful blue-green algae blooms could be present in water that is noticeably discolored or that has surface scums. Colors might include shades of green, blue-green, yellow, brown, purple, white, or red. Water affected by harmful blue-green algal blooms often is so strongly colored that it can have a paint-like appearance.
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<strong>What should I do if I suspect a bloom?</strong>
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Know it. Be able to identify suspicious blooms so you can avoid them.
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Avoid it. People, pets, and livestock should avoid areas with blooms or surface scums, or water that is noticeably discolored.
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Avoid the area and consider medical attention for people and animals if symptoms such as diarrhea, nausea, or vomiting; skin, eye, or throat irritation; and allergic reactions or breathing difficulties occur after contact with surface waters.
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Pet and livestock illness/deaths can happen if animals consume large amounts of water containing blooms, scums or benthic mats. Immediately seek veterinarian care if noticing any symptoms in your animals.