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In-water equipment includes: docks, boatlifts, swim platforms, etc. Equipment may be placed in or on the waters of Wonder Lake as soon after “ice-out” as deemed advisable by each owner of the equipment. Removal of all in-water equipment shall be accomplished prior to first ice.

All in-lake equipment is installed at the sole risk and responsibility of its owner.

In-water equipment must be marked by reflective devices and Docks must display owner’s address.

  1. In-water equipment including all of the above shall not project more than 40 feet into the lake from the nearest shoreline
  2. Docks shall be no greater than 10 feet wide.
  3. For L-shaped or T-shaped docks, the length of that portion parallel to the shoreline shall not exceed 50% of the landowner’s shoreline footage.
  4. All in-water equipment shall be aligned so as not to cross the projection of property lines. Docks shall not come within 10 feet of the perpendicular projection of the property lines.
  5. All in-water equipment including bumpers shall be securely anchored to prevent detachment.
  6. Good judgement should be used when installing your docks so that they are not under water during high water events.

Subdivisions may place swim buoys to identify areas that have been designated by the subdivision as swimming areas. These buoys should not obstruct general lake usage. No swim buoys can be placed by individual shoreline landowners.


There are five types of MPOA buoys:


ONLY buoys approved by the MPOA may be placed in the Lake. No other marker or anchor buoys may be placed.

If unauthorized buoys are identified, they will be removed under the supervision of the Wonder Lake Police Department (WLPD)

If hazardous buoys are noticed, they will be removed under the supervision of the WLPD.

Please do not move or damage buoys placed for your safety. Please report damaged buoys and buoys that have moved from their correct position to the MPOA office. 815-653-1000


MPOA NO-BOATS Buoys are placed at either end of the channel between the islands of White Oaks Bay (Yacht Club Island) and Shore Hills (Wickline Island) Subdivisions.

No-Boats areas are patrolled by the Wonder Lake Police Department- Marine Patrol to ensure safe boating.


MPOA No-Wake Buoys designate the following no-wake areas:

  • White Oaks Bay (commonly known as Swim Bay) (Party Bay),
  • Channel between the islands and shoal of O’Brien Shoals and the shore of Deep Springs Woods,
  • The shore of Deep Springs Woods and Deep Springs Woods Country Club, and
  • South end of the lake.

No-Wake areas are patrolled by the Wonder Lake Police Department- Marine Patrol to ensure safe boating.


Shallow areas are marked where there is either a known underwater hazard or water is less than 3.5 feet in depth. However, boaters are solely responsible for exercising extreme caution and reducing speeds when boating in or near shallow areas of the lake, or when the normal lake level is low due to dam maintenance, dry weather, etc. Boaters should also be vigilant for any floating or partially submerged debris that could pose a safety hazard and notify the MPOA office.


White Oaks Bay (commonly known as Party Bay)


Danger - Dam warning buoys are present at the Wonder Lake Dam spillway at the northeast end of the lake. Lake users should always stay a minimum of fifty (50) feet from the dam spillway.


Only MPOA approved Fish Structures may be placed in Wonder Lake. A map showing all MPOA approved fish structure locations is available at the MPOA office. Only the W.L. Sportsman’s Club will be allowed to place and maintain fish structure meeting the approved criteria for fish structure placement.


Only MPOA approved duck blinds may be placed in or on Wonder Lake. A map showing all MPOA approved duck blind locations and the list of duck blind owners is available at the MPOA office. All hunting must be done from an MPOA approved duck blind.

Duck blinds may be readied no more than 14 days prior to the start of the duck season. The Wonder Lake Sportsman’s Club Duck Blind Committee shall inspect and approve blinds the weekend prior to the start of duck season. Removal of in-water duck blinds must be completed by the weekend following the close of duck season. Failure to adhere to these conditions shall result in the loss of the blind permit to the duck blind owner.

If any blind on the lake is deemed unkempt or unsightly (blinds are to be kept free of debris and loose or broken boards in the non-hunting season) by the MPOA, the owner of the blind shall be given 14 day notice in writing by the Sportsman’s Club to correct the situation or remove the blind.


Boat horsepower should not exceed the manufacturer’s recommendations for each watercraft. The WLPD shall monitor for compliance with noise regulations. The use of tires as dock bumpers is strongly discouraged since they frequently become a breeding site for mosquitoes.


Ice shanties must display the name and address of the owner at all times. All Ice shanties must be removed from the lake daily.

Wonder Lake MPOA In Lake Equipment and Vehicle Regulations
2025 Edition

Property owners with deeded lake rights by access to the lake through subdivision parks, and shoreline owners are allowed to use the waters and lake bottom of Wonder Lake provided the following regulations are followed. These regulations were established to aid in the installation, use, and removal of seasonal equipment and to protect against infringement of users ’rights.

All Commercial Marine Operators must furnish a Certificate of Insurance to the MPOA each year, which identifies the MPOA as a named co-insured. The minimum amount of liability insurance required is one (1) million dollars AND (1) million dollars in workers compensation insurance.

Should the MPOA determine that in-water equipment impairs navigation, creates a hazard, or in any way infringes upon the rights or interests of MPOA members and lake users, the property owner will be required to make necessary modification to the equipment as determined by the MPOA.

Lake users are subject to all applicable rules and regulations of the MPOA, the US Coast Guard, IEPA, IDNR, and Village of Wonder Lake.