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1. For the past few years, the MPOA has worked with the Illinois Department of Natural Resources, U.S Department of Agriculture, and US Fish & Wildlife Service to conduct “legal” harassment of Cormorant’s, as well as to allow an annual “lethal harvest” of up to ten (10) Cormorants, particularly at those island locations where they congregate to roost. The establishment of roosts result in large amounts of “droppings”, that can over time kill off desirable species of trees and vegetation, such as the Oak trees on Strom Island, where native plant restoration work has been impacted. The MPOA has now received the USF&WS and IDNR permit for 2023 but will continue to explore and implement non-lethal options as well. An article discussing various Cormorant impacts can be found at:…

2. The MPOA met with the McHenry County Department of Planning and Development to discuss the importance of the County continuing to provide cost-share funding towards the operation of the USGS stream gage on Nippersink Creek at Thompson Road. A County Board member interested in seeing this continue was also in attendance.

3. The MPOA continues to explore options for marketing the dried sediment from the dredging project. A potential soils vendor visited the Sediment Drying Facility (SDF) last week to get an idea of the quality of the material available.

4. The Wonder Lake Fire Department was planning to conduct a controlled burn of the SDF today to control vegetative growth on the sediment, but had to cancel, in part because of the Red Flag warning in place.

5. As the Wonder Lake boating season may get off to an early start this year given the current warm spell, lake users are urged to get their MPOA decals purchased and displayed as soon as possible. The cost of the $100+ fine issued by the Wonder Lake Marine Patrol to boaters not properly displaying a current MPOA decal will certainly equal or exceed the cost of the decal.

6. Finally, as folks start having their docks reinstalled, keep in mind the following MPOA regulations:


1. In-water equipment including all of the above shall not project more than 40 feet into the lake from the nearest shoreline.

2. Docks shall be no greater than 10 feet wide.

3. For L-shaped or T-shaped docks, the length of that portion parallel to the shoreline shall not exceed 50% of the landowner’s shoreline footage.

4. All in-water equipment shall be aligned so as not to cross the projection of property lines. Docks shall not come within 10 feet of the perpendicular projection of the property lines.

5. All in-water equipment including bumpers shall be securely anchored to prevent detachment.

6. Good judgement should be used when installing your docks so that they are not under water during high water events.