1. The deteriorating concrete cap at the top of the east side spillway wingwall has been successfully replaced by the MPOA contractor.
2. It was also planned to have that contractor repair / replace the bent west side sluice gate shaft, which was noted in the last annual dam inspection report. The contractor used a diver to try to determine what kind of pressure is causing the shaft to bend but did not determine the exact cause. To ensure that whatever repairs needed are done with proper engineering oversight, the MPOA is looking into having a structural engineer investigate the cause, and to develop a strategy to fix the bent shaft and hopefully prevent the issue from occurring again in the future.
3. Over the Labor Day weekend, an individual was observed waterfowl hunting from a kayak at the south end of the lake. Sportsman’s Club members who were on the lake informed the hunter that the lake was closed for hunting, given the holiday weekend, and that hunting can only be done from the existing MPOA approved duck blinds, which are administered by the Sportsman’s Club. The hunter had apparently been given incorrect information, cooperated, and left the lake. The Lake Use Commission has since met to discuss this situation and has come up with suggested recommendations to deal with this issue in the future.
4. In anticipation of the upcoming annual dam inspection on October 13th, the berm slopes of the sediment drying facility have been mowed to provide improved visibility.
5. As always, with autumn approaching, Wonder Lake landowners with lakefront or streamfront properties are strongly encouraged to NOT rake their leaves into the water, as this can create a significant nutrient load, fueling future algae blooms. Please consider composting raked leaves or utilizing available landscape waste disposal services.