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Executive Summary Attached please find the proposed 2024 Budget material for your review. It includes the following information. First this cover memo with budget highlights. Next is the budget information with the totals for revenue and expense items so an overall picture can be viewed. Following that are notes that will explain primarily the difference between what happened (or what is expected to happen) in 2023 compared to what is being proposed for the 2024 budget. Following that is the line item detail for further information, if necessary.

Lake Manager’s Report – January 2024

1. With single digit temperatures forecast starting this weekend, we might finally be heading towards “safe ice”. As such, this is a good time to remind winter lake users about the need to exercise particular care when venturing out on the ice as it does form. The MPOA website ( has a video posted on how someone falling through the ice can perform a "self-rescue". Winter lake users are also reminded of the presence of the rip-rap collars around O'Brien Shoals and Wickline Island, and that ice formation may have changed in those areas of the lake that had been dredged.

Lake Manager’s Report – November 2022

1. The annual inspection of the Wonder Lake Dam and Sediment Drying Facility required by the State of Illinois was conducted on Friday, October 14th, 2022. Both the State and MPOA engineers were pleased with the repairs to the Wonder Lake Dam spillway that have been implemented since last year’s inspection, as well as the maintenance of the SDF.

MPOA Watercraft Decal


The Master Property Owners Association welcomes you to another year of recreation and enjoyment on Wonder Lake. 

Wonder Lake is a private lake owned by the MPOA (Master Property Owners Association). Property owners with deeded lake rights may place equipment and accessories in / on the MPOA property provided that the MPOA regulations are followed. 

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