Regular Meeting Schedule was disrupted in 2020 due to Covid Pandemic Restrictions
Welcome our new MPOA Board President.
Let’s get to know Brad Dennison. My grandmother bought a lakefront house in Sunrise Ridge subdivision in the 80s when I was just a little kid. It was a weekend house and we spent as many summer weekends as we could there. Then even when the lake would freeze we spent some winter weekends up there as well.
The Village of Wonder Lake, Board of Trustees approved the following ordinance on May 5, 2004. This ordinance enables the Village of Wonder Lake, Lake Patrol officers to enforce the Master Property Owners Association (MPOA) Recreational Sticker Policy that requires all recreational vehicles operating on the waters of Wonder Lake to first be registered with the MPOA and display a current sticker. It also prohibits the operation of all automobiles, trucks and SUVs from entering upon Wonder Lake at any time.
On naturally formed lakes, native plant communities evolved, that created a continuum of vegetation, starting on the landward side with upland species and continuing downslope towards the lake where emergent, floating, and submergent wetland vegetation would be found.
Q: What are blue green algae (cyanobacteria)?
Wonder Lake, and the Nippersink Creek stream channel downstream (east) of the Thompson Road Bridge, are owned by the Wonder Lake Master Property Owners Association (MPOA). Fishing is only allowed in these areas for those landowners holding deeded lake rights to Wonder Lake, or their guests, who must be accompanied by someone holding deeded lake rights. Fishing in these areas is governed by the Illinois Department of Natural Resources (IDNR), as summarized below, with IDNR fishing licenses required for anyone 16 years of age or older.